Water Damage
Failing to examine how far up the water, moisture, vapor, and dampness actually caused damage to interior walls, or likewise failing to inspect how far behind or below or underneath the floors and walls the water travelled to damage your property, will result in under-valuing and a “low-balling” of the amount needed for repairs.
Homeowner’s insurance policies and commercial property insurance should cover water damage.
However, claims related to water damage are often minimized, wrongfully denied for lack of evidence, or denied under exclusions to the insurance policy that are erroneously applied.
The extent of the water damage, its causes, and costs for restoration and remediation are contested in these disputes. If your residence or business has suffered water damage, it is best to have an attorney representing your interests. The Law Offices of Geoffrey Gilbert, P.A. are Florida insurance attorneys for water damage related claims.

We work on a contingency basis, which means there is no out-of-pocket hourly fees and costs. Our legal fees and costs are not charged unless we recover insurance benefits in your claim, and most frequently Florida law requires the insurer to pay for your legal fees and costs.